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Wooden gift box with two bottles – wine of choice.
Intensive dark red wine with a unique flower flavor and full flavor in forest fruits
Lesena darilna škatla z dvema steklenicama – vino po izbiri.
Cabernet Sauvignon is a red wine of fresh taste of mature plums, black currant, wood and mild odor of cedar. In the mouth it works dry with a gentle texture, it contains tannins. Bottle 0.75 liter
Rdeče vino s svojevrstno cvetico vonjem in polnim okusom po gozdnih sadežih. Steklenica 0.75 litra
Intenzivno temno rdeče vino s svojevrstno cvetico vonjem in polnim okusom po gozdnih sadežih.
White wine with special flavor. Bottle 0.75 liter
Belo vino s svojevrsnim okusom. Steklenica 0.75 litra
Red wine with a unique flower flavor and full flavor in forest fruits. Bottle 0.75 liters.